FPC Newton Youth Share Their Mission Trip ExperienceTwo FPC Newton delivered the sermon during the 8:45 & 11:00 AM Worship Services on Sunday, June 25th. Taylor Job shared her Raleigh Youth...
FPC Newton- High School Mission Team Helps Tennessee CommunityEleven youth and three adults from First Presbyterian Church in Newton recently traveled to Eastern Tennessee to help refurbish homes and...
Presbyterian Churches Mission TogetherFirst Presbyterian Church-Newton and Cedar Creek Presbyterian Church- Greeneville, TN have enjoyed a week of mission work. Friends in...
Wednesday at Cedar Creek!Wednesday morning, three groups headed out to sites. One group finished staining the deck we built last year and Leo’s team finished...
Final Day of Mission Work at Cedar CreekThursday at Cedar Creek Lots of projects were wrapped up on our final workday. Anna, Lauren, Ellen and Christian finished their entire...
Terrific Tuesday at Cedar Creek Mission CenterAfter a night of sunset pictures, puzzling a crazy gnome puzzle Suzanne brought and painting art on canvases, our mission team woke up to...
FPC Newton High School Youth & Adults --Monday Mission Trip MomentsMonday morning at Cedar Creek Mission Center- Our 14 member mission team split up into 3 work teams. Team #1 worked at Appalachian...
FPC Newton High School Mission Team Heads for Eastern TennesseeEleven teenagers and 3 adults departed for Cedar Creek Presbyterian Mission Center east of Greeneville, Tennessee. This is the 8th year...
FPC Newton Middle School Mission Trip a SuccessFirst Presbyterian Church- Newton Middle School Mission Team of 6 youth and 2 adults traveled to Raleigh, North Carolina the week of June...