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Presbyterian Women's Ministries

Mission Statement
To foster growth in faith through strong and caring relationships.


Presbyterian Women Circle groups meet regularly and strive to be an inclusive, nurturing group of women. The women of PW build relationships with God, each other and members of the community through Bible study, mission and service projects, and participation in PW special offerings.

Our church has four PW groups - three Circle groups and Creative Hands. Some projects include: sponsoring college students with greeting and gift cards, preparing baptismal samplers, supporting The Corner Table, providing receptions for bereavement services, donating school supplies, assisting with Community Sunday Suppers, writing letters to service men and women, supporting The Salvation Army with meals, along with many other projects.



We also gather together to enjoy fellowship though our two lunch groups, "Well, Isn't That Special?" and The Lunch Bunch.  We also learn and grow together through Bible studies, book clubs, and retreats.



Pastel Minimalist Church Logo.png

August Circle Meetings


Lydia Circle #2- Beginning on September 5th the Lydia Circle will meet the first Tuesday of the month at 2:00 p.m. in the parlor at church! We invite anyone who would like to join us to come anytime! We share the lesson teaching by dividing up the lesson into small parts! Also, you don’t have to teach to join! There’s always a good snack to share, love to be passed around and giggles are a definite in our meetings. Please come try us out!


Circle #4 Will not meet in August, but will resume on Monday, September 11th at 2:00 p.m. in the parlor.


Circle #5 Will not meet in August, but will resume on Wednesday, September 13th at 11:30 a.m. Location to be announced.

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