Vacation Bible School Needs Youth VolunteersVacation Bible School Needs Volunteers! July 22nd-July 26th 5pm-8pm At Beth Eden Lutheran Church (held jointly with FPCNEWTON) We need:...
FPCNEWTON High School Youth 2018 Mission TripTen youth and three adults from First Presbyterian Church in Newton recently traveled to Eastern Tennessee to help refurbish homes and...
First Presbyterian Newton participate in Raleigh Youth Mission​​​​​​​ First Presbyterian Church- Newton Mission Team of 8 youth and 2 adults traveled to Raleigh, North Carolina the week of June...
Commissioning Service This Sunday!First Presbyterian Church in Newton will commission 3 mission teams and 2 groups attending conferences at Montreat Conference Center...
GRADUATION SUNDAY AT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH- NEWTONGraduation Sunday at FPC Newton- Best Wishes to our high school graduates from First Presbyterian Church in Newton. Katie Coffey-...