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FPC Youth



At FPC Newton, we seek to support and engage youth and their families in an inclusive, faithful, church family that empowers youth to seek God's will for their lives.

Worship Participation

Several times a year our youth participate in worship.  From waving Palm branches for the Palm Sunday processional, waving streamers for Pentecost, being lay leaders, ushers, playing instruments, and our annual youth Sunday, where we celebrate our graduates for the year and our youth lead worship.

Homebound Communion

Our youth along with two elders visit our church family members who are homebound and share the sacrament of Holy Communion with them.  This is done on a quarterly basis. 


Confirmation is a continuation of the faith journey that began at baptism and continues throughout their whole lives. Confirmation is an opportunity to celebrate the youth of our church and their decision to make a public profession of faith.  Confirmation starts in middle school.  


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Youth Group Activities

We meet on Sundays following our 10:00 service.  After sharing lunch together we will have a devotion and then gather for a fun activity.  From traveling to an escape room, gem mining, mission activities, board games, firepit nights, and more.

Fall Youth Retreat

Once a year, our youth group goes away for a weekend of rest and fellowship.  

Presbytery Youth Retreats

These weekend retreats are a great way for Middle and High School youth to get to know other young people throughout the Presbytery of Western North Carolina

Camp Grier Church Camp

Every year in September our church family travels to Camp Grier in Old Fort, NC for a weekend of fun, fellowship, and faith.  



Our youth group at FPC truly have servant's hearts and enjoy answering the call to missions.  We have several mission opportunities throughout the year including three large fundraising efforts for local and international mission efforts.

Souper Bowl of Caring

Souper Bowl of Caring allows youth to give back to their local communities through the help from local businesses, corporations, passionate individuals, and NFL teams.  

Matthew's Market

Gifts purchased from Matthew’s Market will benefit those in need in Africa, will help provide scholarships for children, youth, and college students in Guatemala, provide stoves for families in Guatemala, fund a Children’s Reading program and provide funds for wheelchair ramps to be built for families in need.

Sunday Community Supper

Takes place every Sunday at 5:30 p.m. and currently feeds between 50-75 guests with carry-out meals. Several other churches and civic groups in the community help greatly with this ministry.


Rise Against Hunger

FPC Newton has worked with Rise Against Hunger several times, packing meals in our Fellowship Hall. This is a great activity with jobs for all ages of volunteers.

Hunger Walk

Each year, Eastern Catawba Cooperative Christian Ministry, Inc. and The Corner Table Soup Kitchen hold the Eastern Catawba County Hunger Walk. The goals of this three-mile walk are to raise funds for hunger relief efforts in eastern Catawba County and to raise awareness of the hunger issue in our community.

Cedar Creek Mission Trip

For 14 years now, our youth have been traveling to The Cedar Creek Mission Center in Greeneville, Tennessee for a week of mission work.  This is a wonderful trip filled with fun, fellowship, service, and the best southern comfort food you will ever eat.  This trip is open to youth and adults.  

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