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FPC Newton High School Youth & Adults --Monday Mission Trip Moments

Monday morning at Cedar Creek Mission Center- Our 14 member mission team split up into 3 work teams.

Team #1 worked at Appalachian Helping Hands is an organization of 3 Lutheran, 1 Presbyterian and 1 Church of God Churches that serve the Cedar Creek Community. Twelve youth from FPC Newton and Cedar Creek Presbyterian Churches assembled 500 backpacks full of school supplies. In 2 1/2 hours, all the backpacks were ready to be distributed. School starts in this community the first week of August.

Team #2 began demolition of the railings of a deck for a man that has been dealing with lots of health issues under Leo's leadership. Team 3 worked at Nolichucky Elementary School weed eating around fence in playground.

Monday afternoon Team #1 of Ellen, Anna, Lauren and Christian, demolished the railing of a porch at the home of a Marine Veteran. This is their first Cedar Creek Mission Trip. Girls loved using crowbars, drills and hammers. They love demo work and girls said they are for hire. Within an hour, the girls were learning to measure twice cut once. Paul and Harrell taught them to use a circular saw, drills, square and how to use an I Phone as a level.

Team 2 worked on pickets on one whole side and built railing for another side.

Landscape Team 3- worked extremely hard in the hot afternoon pulling weeds, weed eating and digging up shrubs.

Looking forward to spaghetti dinner tonight. Lauren Holcomb commented, “Miss Suzanne, is okay to go to sleep at 7:30 p.m. tonight?” I think we have a tired group!

Special Note: We have no pictures of our great landscaping team of Kylene, Elizabeth, Callie, Meg and Deb. They were so busy they forgot to take pictures.

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