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FPC Happenings

This past Sunday we dedicated our new prayer garden on the property where the Deal House use to stand. This project was spearheaded by our soon to be Eagle Scout and High School graduate, Elliott Lewis.

This was truly a church wide supported event. The prayer garden was made possible my the generous donations of the members as well as assistance from the following individuals:

Scout Troop 903 Scouts







Scout Leaders: John Miles and George Buff

Assisting FPC Members and other participants included

Deward Clark

Dee Clark

Brian Hardin- Brother of Cindy Baldwin and Elliott's uncle

Pastor David Roquemore gave a few words and concluded with a prayer dedicating the space for individuals to come and pray and enjoy a moment in God's creation.

Congratulations Elliott on all your hard work. We look forward to celebrating with you when you become an Eagle scout.

Sunday, May 19th, 2019 our Mini Youth group travelled to Emerald Hollow Mine to discover treasure. We had 19 people go on this outing and each person had a blast finding all sorts of buried treasures. From ages 10 months and up fun was had by all. After grabbing lunch at McDonalds we were on our way to the mine.

We participated in the educational tour. Which included a tour of the current mining pits, surface mining, creeking, and the sluiceway. Our wonderful guide, Lily, shared with us just how mining came to be and all that goes into the creation of the various gemstones that were found.

If you would love to learn more about our Mini Youth program please contact Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministry, Laura Sparks, at or call our church office at 828-464-0648.

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