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FPC Happenings

Two youth Mission Teams and two Montreat Conference groups will be commissioned at the 11:00 worship service at First Presbyterian Church - Newton. The following groups will be commissioned:

Raleigh Youth Middle School Mission Team (June 11-16)-

Payton Nolley, Sarah Butterfield, Taylor Job, Christian Kelly, Mason Nolley, Preston Inscoe, Greyson Eneix, Tom McAllister and Suzanne Rhinehart.

Cedar Creek High School Mission Team (Greeneville, Tennessee)- June 18-23rd

Ellen Williams, Claire Stalnaker, Anna Kirby, Lauren Holcomb, Elizabeth Edwards, Christian Kelly, Callie Inscoe, Kylene Hall, Meg Yenderusiak, Joseph Inscoe, Tyler Inscoe, Sam Owensby, Leo Yenderusiak, Deb Wakefield and Suzanne Rhinehart.

Montreat Music Conference (June 25-30th)

Cathy Murdock, Susan Strickland, Kay Long, Bill Long, Karen McDougal, Ann Sperry, Lottie Etheridge and Pastor Connie Button.

Montreat Youth Conference (July 23-29)

Madison Loyer, Elizabeth Edwards, Kylene Hall, Anna Kirby, Lauren Holcomb, Claire Stalnaker, Elliott Lewis, Suzanne Rhinehart and Pastor Connie Button.

Please make sure you pack items on the list. There is not a Walmart or grocery store close to downtown. Water bottle is a must! Girls must wear soccer length shorts to mission sites but when we get back to church before supper, a little shorter pair of shorts can be worn. Also sandals can be worn at the church but remember there is a full size basketball court to play ball. Showers are on site right down the hall. I usually try to take a shower when we get back to church each afternoon. I bring what I call "shower clothes" that I put on for night time activities and yes... I might wear them a couple of days. Please feel free to call me this weekend if you have any questions. Can not wait until next week even though it will be in low 90's in Raleigh. Suzanne 

Raleigh Youth Mission Trip

(Middle School)

June 11-16, 2017

If you have a remaining balance, please make checks payable to FPC Newton… Memo: MS Mission Trip. The trip total cost is only $100 this year due to an anonymous donor. Please give final payment to Suzanne or the church office. Please, do not place in offering plate. **Mission Team will be commissioned on Sunday, June 11th during the 11:00 a.m. service.** Departure Plans: 1. Sunday, June 11th; fellowship hall parking lot at 2:30 p.m. 2. Bring money for Sunday supper at a fast food restaurant Youth Team Members: Preston, Greyson, Christian, Taylor, Ellen, Mason, Payton and Sarah Adult Team Members: Suzanne and Tom McAllister Cell phones: I recommend leaving them at home. But if you bring, do not expect to be in constant contact with home. Youth will only be allowed to use during free time and following Bible Study each night. NO CALLS AFTER 10:00 P.M. Dress code and Packing List: Please refer to the packing list and dress code that are enclosed. Please follow the suggested list. RYM is very strict on following dress code listed on “What to Bring”. Only closed-toed shoes on mission sites. No short shorts on mission sites. Suzanne will send you back to change. Air Mattress Note: They suggest we bring twin size or full air mattresses. Sometimes the girls will bring one queen and sleep together. I will have my air pump available and duct tape. Spending Money: We will have a free afternoon on Thursday. Each youth will need money for fastfood lunch at Crabtree Mall. The church will treat the youth to supper on Thursday and 2 special activities planned by our rising freshman (Taylor, Christian, Greyson and Preston) We will try to provide a little bit of free time to go shopping while at Crabtree or get ice cream. I would prefer if the spending money (cash) is given to me in a labeled envelope and given to me to lock in the vehicle until needed. We will return Friday June 16th around 2:00 p.m. at the latest. Your child will be able to call home as we leave and give you and estimated time of return. This is going to be an awesome week. I look forward to the time we will get to spend working alongside one another. 

FPC Newton Graduation Tradition since 2002-- Hand prints on High School Youth Room Wall

College Graduates:

Graduated in December 2016:

Mary Elizabeth Hinson-Myers --Appalachian State University

Graduating in May this year: Austin Oliver -- Appalachian State

Alexa Roddy—Watts School of Nursing

We congratulate these students on their achievement!

High School Graduates:

Betsy Ingle

Parents: Caroline & Wes Ingle

Graduating from Newton Conover High School and

Will be attending University of Hawaii

Stephen Lewis, Jr. Parents: Stephen Lewis & Cindy Baldwin Graduating from East Lincoln High School

Will be joining the workforce while pursuing a welding certification.

Madison Loyer

Parents: Amy & Dan Loyer

Graduating from Bunker Hill High School

She will be attending Wingate University and majoring in pharmacy.

We also remembered fondly in our hearts Justin Turner

Parents: Dina & Bobby Snipes & Stuart Turner

Who attended Bunker Hill High School.

The Presbyterian Women presented each graduate with a gift.

Scholarship Recognition:

Presbyterian Women presented the 2017 PW college scholarship. This scholarship was started by the following families:

  • Mary Brooks Speight Family

  • Geneva Isenhour Family

  • Bruce & Clara Wingate Family.

This scholarship is dependent upon donations from our congregation. If you are interested in making a donation, please make checks payable to PWCT and give to Bonnie Pritchard, Treasurer.

This scholarship is given to an outstanding high school graduate with $500 check to assist them with furthering their education. This recipient was chosen on the basis of their church and community involvement.

The 2017 Presbyterian Women College Scholarship winner was awarded to Madison Loyer.

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