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FPC Happenings

Six youth and 2 adults departed from FPC Newton and traveled to FPC Raleigh to participate in Raleigh Youth Mission. This is our 3rd RYM trip and 5th with the YMCo (

The team members were commissioned at the 11:00 a.m. service and departed to Raleigh in the afternoon. We are teaming up with 3 youth and 2 adults from FPC Fayetteville.

The theme for 2017 is Creating Spaces which is Matthew 10:40a which reads "Anyone who accepts what I do accepts my Father who sent me." (The Message). After group orientation and games, the churches enjoyed getting to know each other, played games and basketball. Heading to bed to prepare for a busy Monday of serving God in many places.

Raleigh Youth Mission Trip

(Middle School)

June 11-16, 2017


**Mission Team will be commissioned on TOMORROW Sunday, June 11th during the 11:00 a.m. service.**

Departure Plans:

  1. Sunday, June 11th; fellowship hall parking lot at 2:30 p.m.

  2. Bring money for Sunday supper at a fast food restaurant

Youth Team Members: Preston, Greyson, Christian, Taylor, Mason, Payton and Sarah

Adult Team Members: Suzanne and Tom McAllister

Cell phones: I recommend leaving them at home. But if you bring, do not expect to be in constant contact with home. Youth will only be allowed to use during free time and following Bible Study each night. NO CALLS AFTER 10:00 P.M.

Dress code and Packing List: Please refer to the packing list and dress code that are enclosed. Please follow the suggested list. RYM is very strict on following dress code listed on “What to Bring”. Only closed-toed shoes on mission sites. No short shorts on mission sites. Suzanne will send you back to change.

Air Mattress Note: They suggest we bring twin size or full air mattresses.

Cedar Creek, Tennessee Mission Trip

June 18-23, 2017

NOTE: Mission Team will be commissioned tomorrow Sunday, June 11th at the 11 a.m. service.

Below is information about Cedar Creek High School Mission. We will be traveling to Tennessee on Sunday June 18th. We will meet at the church at 4:00 p.m. in the lower back parking lot of the church. We will stop for dinner on the way to Cedar Creek. This is the only meal for which you will need money this entire week unless you need to make a snack run to Dollar General.

We will work Monday-Thursday on a project that Harrell is currently making final plans on. As soon as I hear about the details, I will let you know. You will need close toed shoes, hat and gloves for the job site. Make sure your work clothes are modest (no spaghetti straps) and can get dirty, ripped and torn (yes and never be able to be worn again).

Lodging: We will be lodging in Cedar Creek Presbyterian Church’s Mission building. There will be separate boys and girls rooms. We will eat most of our meals on site there.

Returning: We will return Friday June 23. We should be home early afternoon before 1:00 p.m.

Medical Forms: I have medical forms for most of you on file but please let me know if there has been any change to your medical status.

Spending $$$: You only need money for one meal and any spending money for snacks, etc.

Cell phone: You can bring your cell phone but they will be kept locked up in the van while we are on worksites. Cell service is limited in the area. No Wi-Fi on site.

This is going to be an awesome week. I look forward to the time we will get to spend working alongside one another doing God’s work!

Packing List

  • Work clothes for 4 days on the job site (modest and no tank tops)

  • Work shoes (must be close toed)

  • Gloves

  • Rain jacket

  • Hat

  • Sun screen

  • Bug spray

  • Leisure clothes

  • Pajamas

  • Medicine

  • Extra pair of shoes

  • Day pack

  • Water bottle (Please do not forget!)

  • Twin sheets/blanket or sleeping bag

  • Pillow

  • Towels and washcloths

  • Toiletries

  • Shower shoes

  • Good attitude

  • Swimsuit (we might find a time to go swimming)

  • Water shoes for waterfall trip (if we are on track with our project)


  • Snacks & Drinks

  • Games

  • Music

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